Sunday, January 17, 2010

A little back story to catch us up

So here's a quick down and dirty synopsis of the past few years to catch you up on what's been going on in the life of Brad. 

I made the best decision of my life and somehow convinced the love of my life to marry me.
We started life together in Greenville, NC buying a little place together and getting the coolest dog ever  (who acts more like a person than anything else)
After working for a couple years I discovered my true calling, professionally speaking, and enrolled in an accelerated nursing program which returned me to good ‘ol Winston-Salem, NC where I proceeded to hang out with these kids.
bradwssu3     bradwssu2           
Then just as the program was winding up my wife and I were blessed with a baby girl who couldn’t be more perfect.
baby kate
Her name is Katelyn Marie and came into this world weighing 6 lbs 10 oz.
I then proceeded to do things like this with her for my own amusement.
Does that make me a bad parent?  That’s what this blog will explore.  There you’re pretty much caught up with where I’m at in life.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Who let these two become parents?

they let us be parents

Most things in life take work.  Think of when you first wanted to get your driving license.  In order to do so you first had to take a training course with someone who’s been authorized to teach new drivers (driver’s ed).  Next you have to practice with an adult for a whole year even before being eligible to take both a written and actual driving test.  You must pass both tests before being given a driver’s license, at which point there are still restrictions on it.  All this for a mere driver’s license, yet there are no qualifications one must have in order to become a parent and take on the responsibility of raising a kid. 

As long as your “parts” are in working order you can bring life into this world.  This is a very scary concept that I didn’t completely grasp until I had a kid of my own.  This may sound rudimentary but you have to do EVERYTHING for babies.  And I’m not talking about simply taking care of their physical needs like feeding, bathing, changing (which you do have to do), instead I’m referring to teaching, nurturing, and setting an example for them. Considering this immense responsibility someone should derive some sort of screening tool to weed out potential bad parents, or implement mandatory parenting classes…just a thought.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

And so it begins…

It was on New Years Eve when I began thinking back about how much had changed over the past year.  We moved to Winston-Salem, my wife started a new position at WFUBMC on an adult oncology unit, I started an accelerated nursing program at WSSU, we received the wonderful news that we’d become parents, and finally we got to meet the new love of our lives; baby Katelyn just to name a few.  Being a new decade and all I decided it may be prudent to start a blog of some sort as a format to record all these major changes that occur in our lives as well as the day to day thoughts of a first time father, stumbling blindly through parenthood. 

Hopefully when I look back on these posts years from now there’ll be a record of the events and thoughts that occurred starting this decade, or at the very least that I get a good laugh at it all.  To any poor souls who decide to read any of these ramblings I first forewarn you that I’m terribly irresponsible regarding deadlines so posts may be sporadic at best.  Also this blog may be cathartic for me at times (a philosophical “man-room” if you will) so don’t judge me for any material in any posts.  Just remember, you’ve been forewarned.  So without further adieu I give you a glimpse into the mind of new dad Brad.